A primary or metastatic malignant neoplasm involving the small intestine. [ NCIT:C7523 ]
Synonyms: malignant neoplasm of small bowel malignant neoplasm of small intestine malignant tumor of small intestine malignant small intestinal neoplasm malignant small bowel tumour malignant tumour of the small bowel malignant small bowel tumor malignant small intestine neoplasm malignant tumor of small bowel malignant small intestine tumor malignant tumour of small bowel malignant tumor of the small bowel malignant tumour of small intestine malignant small intestine tumour malignant tumour of the small intestine small intestine cancer malignant neoplasm of the small intestine malignant small bowel neoplasm malignant neoplasm of the small bowel malignant tumor of the small intestine cancer of small intestine
Term information
- DOID:10154 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
- UMLS:C0153425 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
- ICD9:152.9 (DOID:10154)
- MEDGEN:56300 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
- NCIT:C7523 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
matrix_llm__is_cancer_other, gard_rare, matrix_llm__is_glucose_dysfunction_other, matrix_txgnn_grouping_cancer_or_benign_tumor, matrix_excluded, otar, matrix_llm__tag_qualy_lost_other, matrix_llm__medical_specialization_other, matrix_llm__txgnn_other, mondo_top_grouping_member, nord_rare, matrix_llm__tag_existing_treatment_other, matrix_llm__anatomical_other, harrisons_view_digestive_system_disorder, matrix_llm__is_pathogen_caused_other, mondo_top_grouping_cancer_or_benign_tumor, matrix_txgnn_grouping_member, rare, harrisons_view_cancer_or_benign_tumor, harrisons_view_member, mondo_top_grouping_digestive_system_disorder
small bowel tumors
malignant neoplasms of the small intestine
small bowel tumours