Neutral lipid storage disease (NLSD) refers to a group of diseases characterized by a deficit in the degradation of cytoplasmic triglycerides and their accumulation in cytoplasmic lipid vacuoles in most tissues of the body. The group is heterogeneous: currently cases of NLSD with icthyosis (NLSDI/Dorfman-Chanarin disease) and NLSD with myopathy (NLSDM/neutral lipid storage myopathy) can be distinguished. [ Orphanet:165 ]
Synonyms: lipidosis with triglyceride storage disease
Term information
- DOID:0050729 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
- Orphanet:165 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
- GARD:3262 (Orphanet:165)
gard_rare, disease_grouping, rare, orphanet_rare, ordo_group_of_disorders
Editor note: DOID:0050729 and wikipedia treat CD-syndrome and NLSD as one, but we follow orphanet is placing CD as a subtype.