This is just here as a test because I lose it
Term information
Term relations
Subclass of:
- digit 5
- pedal digit 1 or 5
- part of some pedal digitopodium region
- part of some pes
- part of some pedal digit 5 plus metapodial segment
Related from:
part of
- pedal digit 5 phalanx
- metatarsophalangeal joint of pedal digit 5
- interphalangeal joint of pedal digit 5
- distal interphalangeal joint of pedal digit 5
- proximal phalanx of pedal digit 5
- distal phalanx of pedal digit 5
- middle phalanx of pedal digit 5
- pedal digit 5 phalanx endochondral element
- pedal digit 5 mesenchyme
- pedal digit 5 epithelium
- nail of pedal digit 5