An n-of-1 disease characterized by hearing loss, almost white hair, a psoriasiform rash with hyperkaratotic papillomata, muscle contractures, and depressed granulocyte and monocyte chemotaxis, dominant hearing loss, white hair, contractures, hyperkeratotic papillomata, and muscle contractures, and depressed granulocyte and monocyte chemotaxis. This is an n-of-1 use case where only one patient or family has been described with this disorder. [ ]
Term information
- MEDGEN:443971 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
- MESH:C535988 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
- UMLS:C2931076 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
- Orphanet:3215 (MONDO:equivalentObsolete)
Editor note: this is obsoleted in ORDO but not Orphanet. Orphanet, UMLS, GARD and MESH all have entries for this but with little metadata. The origin seems to be a 1979 publication describing a single family - PMID:526579
dominant hearing loss, white hair, contractures, hyperkeratotic papillomata, and depressed chemotaxis
Davenport Donlan syndrome