All terms in HP_DEV

Label Id Description
anatomical entity UBERON_0001062 [Biological entity that is either an individual member of a biological species or constitutes the structural organization of an individual member of a biological species.]
BFO_0000040 BFO_0000040
uterine wall UBERON_0000459 [An anatomical wall that is part of a uterus [Automatically generated definition].]
endocervix UBERON_0000458 [The region of the opening of the uterine cervix into the uterine cavity.]
cavernous artery UBERON_0000457 [Any of several small branches of the internal carotid artery that supply the trigeminal ganglion and the walls of the cavernous and petrosal sinuses.]
artery UBERON_0001637 [An epithelial tube or tree of tibes that transports blood away from the heart[modified from AEO definition].]
tunica fibrosa of eyeball UBERON_0012430 [The sclera and cornea form the fibrous tunic of the bulb of the eye; the sclera is opaque, and constitutes the posterior five-sixths of the tunic; the cornea is transparent, and forms the anterior sixth.]
structure with developmental contribution from neural crest UBERON_0010314 [An anatomical structure that has some part that develops from the neural crest.]
organ component layer UBERON_0004923 [A part of a wall of an organ that forms a layer.]
Bilateral radial aplasia HP_0004977 [Missing radius bone on both sides associated with congenital failure of development.]
Absent radius HP_0003974 [Missing radius bone associated with congenital failure of development.]
Degeneration of the lateral corticospinal tracts HP_0002314 [Deterioration of the tissues of the lateral corticospinal tracts.]
Atrophy/Degeneration involving the corticospinal tracts HP_0007372
Spastic paraparesis HP_0002313
Paraparesis HP_0002385 [Weakness or partial paralysis in the lower limbs.]
Lower limb spasticity HP_0002061 [Spasticity (velocity-dependent increase in tonic stretch reflexes with increased muscle tone and hyperexcitable tendon reflexes) in the muscles of the lower limbs, hips, and pelvis.]
Erlenmeyer flask deformity of the femurs HP_0004975 [Flaring of distal femur.]
Abnormal femur morphology HP_0002823 [Any anomaly of the structure of the femur.]
Knee dislocation HP_0004976
Lower extremity joint dislocation HP_0030311 [Displacement or malalignment of one or more joints in the lower extremity (leg).]