An organism subdivision that includes the pectoral girdle skeleton and associated soft tissue. Note that this includes both the skeletal elements and associated tissues (integument, muscle, etc). Examples: There are only two instances in an organism, right and left pectoral girdle regions. [ FMA:23217 UBERONREF:0000003 ]

Synonyms: girdle - pectoral cingulum membri superioris

This is just here as a test because I lose it

Term information

database cross reference
  • galen:ShoulderGirdle
  • FMA:23217
  • VSAO:0000305
  • SCTID:229759004

uberon_slim, pheno_slim, vertebrate_core

has narrow synonym

cingulum membri superioris

upper limb girdle

shoulder girdle

has related synonym

pectoral girdle

pectoral region

