Endoderm-lined chamber that develops as pouch-like dilation of the caudal end of the hindgut and receives the allantois ventrally and two mesonephric ducts laterally; caudally it ends blindly at the cloacal membrane formed by the union of proctodeal (anal pit) ectoderm and cloacal endoderm, with no intervening mesoderm[MP]. [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloaca_(embryology) MP:0010115 ]
Term information
- EMAPA:27573
- EHDAA:4895
- EHDAA2:0000256
- Wikipedia:Cloaca_(embryology)
Term relations
- cloaca
- part of some embryo
- part of some internal anal region
- part of some renal system
- has developmental contribution from some intermediate mesoderm