All properties in HP_DEV
Label | Id | Description |
has_exact_synonym | hasExactSynonym | |
has_functional_parent | has_functional_parent | |
has_narrow_synonym | hasNarrowSynonym | |
has_not_completed | CL_4030044 | |
has_obo_format_version | hasOBOFormatVersion | |
has_parent_hydride | has_parent_hydride | |
has_participant | has_participant | |
has_related_synonym | hasRelatedSynonym | |
homology_grouping | homology_grouping | |
hpo_slim | hpo_slim | |
hposlim_core | hposlim_core | |
human_reference_atlas | human_reference_atlas | |
id | id | |
immediate transformation of | RO_0002495 | [x immediate transformation of y iff x immediately succeeds y temporally at a time boundary t, and all of the matter present in x at t is present in y at t, and all the matter in y at t is present in x at t] |
immediately preceded by | RO_0002087 | |
immediately precedes | RO_0002090 | |
in branching relationship with | RO_0002375 | [A relationship that holds between two material entities in a system of connected structures, where the branching relationship holds based on properties of the connecting network.] |
in_innermost_side_of | in_innermost_side_of | |
in_outermost_side_of | in_outermost_side_of | |
in_response_to | in_response_to |